
Item Description
Search, watch, bid, buy, or publish a listing right from your BlackBerry® smartphone. Stay connected to everything that’s important to you on eBay from almost anywhere with the eBay® 2.0 application for BlackBerry® smartphones. As a buyer, you can enjoy newly advanced search filters for finding great items, view more detailed seller feedback, get reminders in your BlackBerry calendar when a listing is about to end, enjoy near real-time alerts when there’s another bid or you’ve won or lost an item, and pay for an item using your BlackBerry smartphone. As a seller, you can now publish a listing and use your on-device camera to post a picture right from your BlackBerry smartphone, then watch and review your sale items and easily respond to a buyer’s questions. And, featuring new BBM™ integration, online commerce is truly a social experience; you can post a recent purchase to a personal message, invite a user to download eBay, or share and chat about a listing through BBM in real time. The eBay application for BlackBerry smartphones makes it easier than ever to follow the action and close a sale – even when you’re away from your computer.


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