BB Trans

BB Trans

Tags: download bb trans blackberry, bb trans blackberry 8520, bb trans blackberry 8830

Stefano sent me a link to this great utility to translate text on your BlackBerry. The best part is that it is totally free. Keep in mind this is machine translation so it is not 100% accurate.

BBTran touts itself as a universal translator for BlackBerry. Currently BBTran works with Google Translate & Dictionary and SYSTRAN translation & dictionary.

Features from their website:

    No advertisements
    Multiple translation services
    20 languages & more then 50 translation directions
    Text translate & dictionary mode
    Automatic software update
    Additional services will be added on-the-fly without software update
    Settings Screen
    WiFi support
    BIS/TCP Transport Selection
    mds transport support
    bis-b transport support

Store: Download zip/rar

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